War from a Multispecies Perspective
More-Than-Human Narratives of Revolution and War in Africa and Latin America
This the manuscript I am currently writing. It is under contract with Columbia University Press.
This book is an invitation to rethink and reread the stories we tell about war. This book aims to draw out and think through the more-than-human dimensions of war and the affordance of the literary in doing so. It is thus interested in texts that deviate from the narrow anthropocentric formulas of much war writing and that account for both the human and the nonhuman entities and elements present and interacting during and affected by war. The book highlights and brings together a range of texts that portray war in faunacentric, plantcentric, animist, creaturely, and/or ecological terms, meaning in terms of an intricate web of life and interrelationships that include but also go beyond the human. Drawing on an eclectic corpus of prose fiction from countries that were embroiled in sustained armed conflicts in recent decades, namely Guatemala, Angola, Cuba, Mozambique, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Colombia, and Mexico, this book deliberately centers literatures and ways of writing about war that tend to be less visible.
This research has been supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Fellowship), the National Endowment of the Humanities (Summer Stipend), the School of Humanities and the Center for the Study of Women, Gender, and Sexuality (Feminist Research Seminar), and the School for Global Environmental Sustainability at Colorado State University.